Thursday, March 20, 2008


What is a Active Cycle of Breathing Techniques?
The Active cycle of breathing techniques (ACBT) is a simple pattern of breathing to -
loosen and clear secretions
improve ventilation
This leaflet is intended to remind you what you were taught by your Physiotherapist.
The parts of the ACBT are -
This is normal gentle breathing using the lower chest, with relaxation of the upper chest and shoulders. It helps you to relax between the deep breathing and huffing.
Deep breathing :
These are slow deep breaths in followed by relaxed breaths out. 3 - 4 deep breaths are enough.
Huffing :
This is a medium sized breath in, followed by a fast breath out through an open mouth, using the muscles of the chest and stomach to force the breath out.
This will move secretions along the airways to a point where you can cough them up.
Coughing :
This should follow 2 - 3 huffs OR a deep breath in.
Don't cough unless secretions are ready to be cleared.
Active cycle of breathing :
This is a flexible technique and can be varied to suit you
In what position should I practice this breathing technique?
You can use this method of breathing in whatever position you find is most comfortable, or seems to clear most secretions, for example, sitting in a chair, lying on your side, or 'tipped' if this helps.
What other techniques can use with the Active Cycle of Breathing (ACBT)?
It is often beneficial to 'hold' for a second or two at the end of one or all of the deep breaths.
If your physiotherapist advises, you (or a helper) can 'clap' your chest while you breathe out.
How often should spend doing it?
If you have a chronic respiratory condition but you are very well, 10 minutes will be long enough to ventilate your lungs and clear any secretions.
You can do it as long as you are clearing any secretions but 20 minutes is usually long enough for any one treatment.
If you have an infection and your cough is more productive than usual, you will need to practice the cycle more often during the day.
Good luck - this is one very positive way that you can influence your own health.

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